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Lewis J., Parlett L., Jonsson-Funk M., Brensinger C., Pate V., Wu Q., Dawwas G., Weiss A., Constant B., McCauley M., Haynes K., Yang J., Schaubel D., Hurtado-Lorenzo A., and Kappelman M., "Incidence, Prevalence and Racial and Ethnic Distribution of Inflammatory Bowel Disease in the United States" in Gastroenterology, July 2023. |
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Parlett L., Beachler D., Lanes S., Hoover R., and Cook M., "Validation of an algorithm for claims-based incidence of prostate cancer" in Epidemiology, vol. 30(3), pp. 466--471, May 2019. |
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Horton D., Neikirk A., Yang J., Huang C., Crystal S., Davidow A., Haynes K., Gerhard T., Rose C., Strom B., and Parlett L., "Incidence of Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis During the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Analysis of National United States Administrative Claims Data" poster at American College of Rheumatology's ACR Convergence 2022, November 2022. |
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Parlett L., Neikirk A., Huang C., Crystal S., Davidow A., Haynes K., Gerhard T., Rose C., Strom B., and Horton D., "Changes in Incidence and Characteristics of Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis Diagnoses from ICD-9-CM to ICD-10-CM" poster at International Society for Pharmacoepidemology's ICPE 2022, August 2022. |
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Lewis J., Brensinger C., Parlett L., Pate V., Wu Q., Weiss A., Dawwas G., Schaubel D., Hurtado-Lorenzo A., McCauley M., Nessel L., Haynes K., and Kappelman M., "More Than 2.6 Million Cases of Provider-diagnosed Inflammatory Bowel Disease in the United States" poster at Digestive Disease Week (DDW) 2022, May 2022. |
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Horton D., Parlett L., Huang C., Crystal S., Davidow A., Gerhard T., Rose C., Haynes K., and Strom B., "JIA Diagnoses and Trends from 2006-2019: Has the U.S. ICD-9-to-ICD-10 Transition Created Coding Artifacts?" poster at American College of Rheumatology's ACR Convergence 2021, November 2021. |